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Agreement of Brokerage in Marriage Is Void

Agreement of Brokerage in Marriage is Void: Understanding the Legal Implications

In a world where weddings are big business, it`s easy to forget that marriage is a legal contract. And like any contract, it`s subject to certain terms and conditions. One such condition is the agreement of brokerage, which refers to an agreement between the two parties getting married, where they decide to split a commission paid by a third party for introducing them to each other. However, in many jurisdictions, such an agreement is considered void, and here`s why.

Firstly, the agreement of brokerage is deemed to be against public policy. It is seen as a contract that does not promote the interests of society as a whole. It is considered a violation of the sanctity of marriage, as it transforms a sacred bond into a purely commercial transaction. Such an agreement encourages the commodification of love and undermines the traditional values that underpin the institution of marriage.

Secondly, the agreement of brokerage is often viewed as a form of prostitution. It`s not hard to see why. A broker, in this context, is someone who introduces two people with the aim of getting them to marry. The commission paid to the broker is essentially a fee for providing this service. This raises a lot of ethical questions about the nature of the relationship between the two people getting married. It could be argued that the payment of a commission makes the marriage transactional, rather than emotional. This, in turn, creates a situation where one party is using money to gain access to the sexual intimacy of the other party.

Thirdly, the agreement of brokerage is seen as a form of exploitation, particularly of women. In many cases, the broker is a relative or friend of one of the parties. This gives the broker an unfair advantage, as they have access to personal information about the party they are representing. This can include things like income, social status, and even personal preferences. By using this information, the broker can manipulate the situation to their advantage, often leaving the other party at a disadvantage. This is especially true in cases where the woman is seen as a commodity to be traded for financial gain.

In conclusion, the agreement of brokerage in marriage is void for many good reasons. It promotes commercialization and prostitution, undermines the sanctity of marriage, and exploits vulnerable parties, particularly women. While it may seem like a good idea to some parties, in reality, it is a practice that is not only illegal but also morally corrupt. As we continue to evolve as a society, it is our duty to safeguard traditional values and preserve the integrity of institutions such as marriage.